If one of your goals is to own a home but you’re not able to save enough for a down payment with your current income, you might want to consider starting a side hustle and saving up the extra cash!
How Living With Your Parents Could Help You Buy a House
Why Do People Buy When Interest Rates are High?
Pet-friendly Housing: Unlocking the Door to Home Sweet Home for Furry Companions
For those of us who have ever embarked on a house-renting journey, we know it can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Add a wagging tail or a purring companion to the mix, and the quest becomes even more challenging. Sadly, finding pet-friendly housing can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.
Are You Throwing Away Money by Renting?
Are you ‘wasting money’ by renting? You may have heard this from well-intentioned family and friends who like to remind you that you're paying your landlord's rent or money spent on rent is money you'll never get back.
While this is technically true, renting does make sense for a lot of people and there is nothing wrong with it. Here are some benefits to renting:
Big Changes to Mortgage Fees
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) recently announced changes to Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s fee matrix.
Referred to as Loan Level Price Adjustments (LLPAs), they use a pricing matrix to determine your loan fees and interest rate based on your credit score, the loan-to-value ratio, occupancy (owner vs non-owner occupied homes), and most recently, your debt-to-income ratio.
2022 Utility Costs on our Single Family House in Framingham, MA
Top Lifestyle Considerations for Buying a Home in Massachusetts
8 Reasons Why Real Estate is the Best Investment
How to Move with Pets in Massachusetts
Moving can be stressful for people, so just imagine how anxious it can make your pets. They can easily get stressed out when there's unexpected activity in their home or when they're introduced to a new environment. Here are some tips that should make the experience a bit calmer for your beloved pets.