buying in metrowest

Start the New Year with a Goal: Own Your Dream Home in 2025

As we welcome the New Year, it's the perfect time to set inspiring goals and make meaningful resolutions. If one of your dreams is to own a home, now is the ideal moment to begin planning. Here's a guide to help you set and achieve your goal of buying a home in 2025.

Spookiest parts of a real estate transaction & how I help you overcome them

Spookiest parts of a real estate transaction & how I help you overcome them

Buying and selling a home can conjure up some hair-raising situations. But just like anything, facing those fears head-on is key to keeping them in their place and you moving forward. With that in mind, here are a few spooky scenarios and how I keep my clients calm, cool, and hardly breaking a sweat.  

Massachusetts Home Buying Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make

You’ve made the decision to buy a home in Massachusetts and you’re ready to jump right in! But before you hit the ground running read this first and find out five common mistakes you’ll want to avoid making when house hunting.

How to Sell Your Home Virtually During the Coronavirus

How to Sell Your Home Virtually During the Coronavirus

Kerry Howell is a real estate photographer at Picture Perfect Homes by Kerry Howell Photography. In addition to beautiful photos she also offers virtual Matterport tours and floor plans.

I asked her to give you some advice on how to sell your home virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic so you can get the most eyes on your home with the least feet in the door.

How to Win a Bidding War in the Metrowest Market

How to Win a Bidding War in the Metrowest Market

One of the most stressful situations in home buying occurs when other buyers are competing for the home you want. To make an offer on the perfect house only to find out you have entered a bidding war is certainly nerve wracking!

3 Things to Do When Preparing to Buy Your First Home in Metrowest, MA

3 Things to Do When Preparing to Buy Your First Home in Metrowest, MA

Do you hope to be purchasing a home in the Metrowest area in the next year or two? It’s important to start preparing for your first home purchase as far in advance as possible. Here are 3 things to check off your to-do before stalking homes on Zillow for hours.